A British sitcom that revolves around two ageing housemates: Tom Finnan (Roger Lloyd-Pack) and Roy Bowden (Clive Swift). The pair live across the street from Sally (Jane Asher), whom they both find attractive. Tom moved in with Roy after Roy's wife Penny deserted him. Baby boomer Tom has little in life but his daughter Amber (Katherine Parkinson), who is dating Sally's son Steve (Justin Edwards). Roy is a suburban pensioner who believes that he is one of the country's leading intellectuals.[1]
Region free - complete with DVD case and artwork
Quality of video and sound is very good - If you have any questions please send us an email ... help@thestressstore.com
Never commercially released, transferred from TV recording to DVD
Very good quality 8 / 10 - Excellent production
All our DVDS have never been commercially released and are in the public domain. Complete with artwork and DVD case. The quality of our products remain our upmost priority!
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