Black Christmas DVD It's time for Christmas break, and the sorority sisters make plans for the holiday, but the strange anonymous phone calls are beginning to put them on edge. When Clare disappears, they contact the police, who don't express much concern. Meanwhile Jess is planning to get an abortion, but boyfriend Peter is very much against it. The police finally begin to get concerned when a 13-year-old girl is found dead in the park. They set up a wiretap to the sorority house, but will they be in time to prevent a sorority girl attrition problem?
Region free - DVD case and artwork
Running time 93 minutes
Item has been transfered from VHS to DVD. Good Quality picture and sound.
Quality. Good - Digital VHS Transfer
Contains. DVD, DVD Case with Artwork
Region. Zero will play in any DVD player worldwide
Quality of video and sound is good complete with artwork and DVD Case - If you have any questions please send us an email ...
All our DVDS have never been commercially released and are in the public domain. Complete with artwork and DVD case. The quality of our products remain our upmost priority!
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